Years ago when our oldest two children were our only two and
only babies at that--and even before--my husband and I had a large circle of
several close friends and it was wonderful.
We were raising our babies together, we shared meals
together, we went to church together, we talked on the phone, we hung out, we
did Bible study together, we went on vacation together. One friend and I shared
clothes like sisters and even took a smocking class together. Our lives
intertwined in friendship and fellowship and, yeah, lots of fun.
I had no idea what I was experiencing was unique. When my
husband and I moved away from that city and that group of friends, I assumed
I’d just as easily find another peer group that was equally as welcoming and
I was wrong.
True community is rare. The friendships we enjoyed all those
years ago were based initially and perhaps mainly on our common stage of life
but I’ve discovered that as the children grow older it is more and more
difficult to maintain a friendship with even that in common.
True Biblical community is even more rare and becoming increasingly
so. I just finished reading True Community: The Biblical Practice of Koinonia by Jerry Bridges. In this book that
is encouraging and convicting and exciting, Bridges outlines the markers of
true community, the most important being common communion with God through His
Son Jesus Christ. The Lord joins us together as His church and it is there we
find the fellowship and partnership we were made for.
In addition to our common faith, true community happens as
we partner together on mission for the gospel, as we serve each other for the
common good, as we share in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings, and, yes, of
course, as we sit down together over a good meal. This kind of community can
and should and will stretch across superficial commonality like age or stage of
life or vocation or gender.
I look back on the community I enjoyed and loved twenty
years ago with such nostalgia because it was not the norm. It was a unique and
beautiful stage of my life that I miss in many ways. Don’t get me wrong, I know
community, Biblical community, in my current church and among my current group
of friends both real and virtual and I am profoundly, humbly grateful. But it
lacks the ease and the openness I once knew.
Community is harder now, I think, because of the demands of
our busy lives and because of the distractions of social media. We didn’t have
all the expectations of Pinterest thrust upon us. There were no mommy blogs
telling us what good moms did and didn’t do. We didn’t know the tyranny of
email and Facebook and Twitter. I mean, the only social media I engaged in at
the time was talking on the phone.
Yeah, me. For real. Now I never do.
True community may be rare and the forces of our culture
stacked against it but that only means it is all the more imperative we pursue real,
true, and open community, the sort of community that sees and serves another.
One of the first things we can do in this pursuit is put down our smartphones and focus on people over Facebook. I’m
serious. Few things communicate a lack of engagement, a lack of community, than attention focused on your phone, whether that is the intention or not. Body language speaks volumes. Could you, when you are out and about and with someone else, put the
phone away and ignore technology's demands? Could I? Let’s try.
Regardless of whether your phone stays in your purse or not, let’s be about people, about sharing, and about serving. Let's talk. Let’s engage others. Let’s hang out both with
our friends and those not yet our friends. Let’s pursue Biblical friendship and
community. As we do so we bring glory to the Savior who loved us and brought us
to communion with Him.
At a critical point in our lives (spiritually and otherwise), we were part of a very large church of folks, yet we felt so much community there. Relationships were a very intentional pursuit. We appreciated this, especially because we guiltily felt rather needy during that season. We felt such love as our new-found friends graciously walked with us, ate with us, and fellowshiped with us. This was 16 years ago, but it impacted us so much that we want to pursue this now, wherever we are. Sometimes we do this better than others, but it's always the goal. I needed this reminder as we prepare to (hopefully/prayerfully) move to a new state, ministry, and church family.