Monday, December 3, 2012

A Season of Consecration

The very fact that so many people considered the Messiah's coming more of a fairy tale than a future event was, in itself, a cause for repentance. It wasn't just that God had promised to do it. It was that the reason he promised to do it was like an intimate promise between lovers. God's promised Messiah was a merciful gift of love to a people who needed both mercy and love. He would come to them in all their pain, brokenness, and struggle, and make everything new. They were desperate for this, and the proof of their desperation was perhaps the most evident in the fact that they couldn't bring themselves to live as though this promise was real.
~Russ Ramsey
Are we any different? The promise has been fulfilled, but do we live like it's real? I fully rely on His promise during major, life-shattering events such as the loss of my husband's job or my mom's sudden passing. Yet I confess that it is in the mundane task of day-to-day living that I often forget. God became man and broke the bondage of sin. I should be shouting that with every ounce of marrow in my weary bones. I am desperate, yet I've forgotten how to live in desperation.

As we begin this season of Advent, I want to cling desperately to the Lord and His promise. I want to watch for Him and make ready my heart. I want to remember that the Gospel is not a fairy tale, and I want to stop living like it is.

My fellow ordinary theologians and I are consecrating this time of Advent, stepping back from our normal posting to focus our hearts on the very good news  - Emmanuel, God with Us. We invite you to join us as we journey through the Advent season together.

For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

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