
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Bridge

"Life is a vale of tears" is the saying, and it's all too true.  We let out a cry the moment we are born, and the tears don't stop. Yes, God will wipe every tear from our eyes, which gives great comfort (Rev. 21:4). But what about now? 

You may be in the middle of a trial or know those who are. All I need to do is look around on a Sunday morning, and I see the faces of those who have lost a child, a spouse, parents, and grandparents within the last year. I see the faces of those suffering from chronic illness with no relief in sight. There may be others with hurts that no one knows. What do we do? What do we say?

How do we reconcile the brokenness of the world around us and "rejoice in the Lord always"? (Phil. 4:4) Where do we find the strength to say, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord."? (Job 1:21)
We have a bridge between our godly longing and our fallen reality that sufficiently equips us to deal with each struggle.
It is the gospel.
The gospel is the bridge. God has done something through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ by which He is able to make "all grace abound to you." He has done something through Christ that sufficiently equips you and I so that we are abundantly supplied for every good work he has called us to do, this kingdom living that stands in such stark contrast with our fallen earthly reality. 1
When I read those words, my heart gave a resounding "Yes!". It may be a no-brainer to you, but I needed this reminder to drink from the fountain of grace that is open for every struggle and sorrow. It's a grace that isn't rationed based upon what I can pay, but it is lavished on me because of the gospel. (Eph 1:3-8) This grace may not not take the form of deliverance from present suffering but it is sufficient for every believer regardless of the complexity or severity of the situation. (2 Cor. 12:9)

Thank God for the good news that brought us to Himself, but gospel grace doesn't merely greet us at the front door and then meet us at the exit. It is for every step of the journey no matter how painful or halting.

1. The Gospel Centered Woman by Wendy Alsup, 2012, pg. 37.

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